New Testament Norms Part 2: Spirit-Filled
Listen in as we continue our series on norms in the early church according to the book of Acts. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a prominent theme in the early church and advance of the gospel. In this episode, we share insights from Acts into how to be filled with the Spirit.
Listen in as we continue our series on norms in the early church according to the book of Acts. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a prominent theme in the early church and the advance of the gospel. In this episode, we share insights from Acts into how to be filled with the Spirit.
Spirit-filling is mentioned at least 10 times in Acts. These instances fall into two categories:
– A general character trait about a person. Examples: The 7 chosen to serve (Acts 6:3-5); Stephen (Acts 6:8); Barnabas (Acts 11:23-24).
– A special filling at a specific moment in time that resulted in special power – often boldness in gospel proclamation. Examples:
*Acts 2- Believers spoke in tongues, testifying to mighty acts of God; 3000 saved.
*Acts 4:8-12- Peter, filled with the Spirit, preaches with boldness.
*Acts 4:29-31- All believers praying for boldness and signs and wonders; place shaken and they were all filled with Spirit and continued to speak the word with boldness.
*Acts 7:55- Stephen, full of Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God.
*Acts 13:9- Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus during the first missionary journey, proclaiming the word of God, and this magician/false prophet was opposing them and trying to keep the proconsul from believing. Paul made Elymas blind, resulting in the proconsul believing when he saw what occurred.
*Acts 13:52- Disciples filled with joy and Holy Spirit.
-Eph. 5:18 – “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.”
Books Referenced:
The Ministry of Intercession by Andrew Murray.
The Baptism and Gifts of the Spirit by D. Martin Lloyd-Jones.