The Coworkers Podcast Tools

Coworkers Group Bible Study

Missionary team members need to be able to articulate expectations for how women on their team will serve. The best way to provide clarity is to open the Bible together! This simple study of women serving in the early church will not only provide much needed clarity, but will also strengthen unity in your team. (See Episodes 2, 3, & 4, Coworkers Bible Study).

4 Essentials of Leadership

The identity and character of missionary leaders must be based on biblical patterns and principles. This study focuses on the Apostle Paul and the Lord Jesus’s leadership, particularly how they talk about their own leadership and how they address their own leaders. (See Episode 8, 4 Essentials of Missionary Leadership).

What is a Missionary Calling?

Many “sent-out-ones” can testify to the stabilizing power of a missionary calling. However, many people have trouble deciphering whether they have been called to mission work. This study examines what the Bible says about “calling” and what that means for “sent ones” and sending churches. (See Episodes 10 and 11 on Missionary Calling).

NT Norms: “Daily” Study

What was “normal” life for the first followers of Jesus? The New Testament shows us how the first followers of Jesus, filled with the Spirit, carried out His Great Commission. In this study we look at what the book of Acts says about the normal rhythm of life and ministry for God’s people. (See Episodes 22-25 on NT Norms).

Missionary Teaming Study

As we form and participate in missionary teams, our teams (and expectations for teams) must be based on biblical principles. In this study, we examine Paul’s missionary team of coworkers, which provides anchors that help us build biblically faithful teams. (See Episode 6, Paul’s Mission Teams).

Abiding Study

Abiding in Jesus—spiritual fellowship with Him—is the key to life, joy, and fruitfulness. Our Lord illustrates this essential truth in John 15:1-11 through the picture of the vine and the branches. This study outlines key takeaways from that passage that show us how we can abide in Him. (See Episode 30 on Abiding).

Additional Tools

  • COWORKERS EBOOK DOWNLOAD PDF | This study provides biblical clarity on God’s design for how women should serve in the church and in mission work.
  • Church Sending Assessment | DOWNLOAD PDF | Take this assessment with your church or leadership team to clarify how well you are building a culture of sending in your church.
  • Prep for Goers – 8 Practices | DOWNLOAD PDF | How do you become a team member that missionary leaders want on their team? Focus on these 8 practices as you prepare for the mission field.
  • Missionary Identity and Worth Study | DOWNLOAD PDF | A missionary’s foundational identity is God’s child, and missionaries must draw their righteousness and worth from that identity, not from their work. Missionaries also must learn to live in the tension of their various roles such as team member, spouse, parent, and team leader, in a healthy way.


The Coworkers E-book. Get this FREE pdf E-book resource from Jesse and Shanee as our gift to you.

DESCRIPTION: What is a woman’s role in church planting work? How should men and women on mission teams relate to one another? What role does season of life play in a woman’s usefulness in missions? We should not settle for vague, unclear expectations for how women should serve. Clarity on this topic is essential, and must come directly from God’s Word. This study provides biblical clarity on God’s design for how women should serve in the church and in mission work. (See Episodes 2, 3, & 4, Coworkers Bible Study).


The Coworkers E-book

Get this FREE pdf E-book resource from Jesse and Shanee as our gift to you.

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