About us
Meet Jesse & Shanee, the hosts of The Coworkers Podcast
Hey! We are Jesse and Shanee (shay-nee), and we are so thankful you stopped by! We pray our podcast and tools can help you to join in God’s mission – wherever you are.
Hey! We are Jesse and Shanee (shay-nee), and we are so thankful you stopped by! We pray our podcast and tools can help you to join in God’s mission – wherever you are.
Our Work on the Field
We have been living our dream in South Asia since 2005. This cross-cultural church-planting life became our “dream job” in college, and we can’t imagine doing anything else. We love serving, teaching, and leading alongside both Western and South Asian believers, to see His glory spread to the ends of the earth. Since 2005, we have served in 3 different contexts on the field, with various leadership roles and responsibilities, but always with the same goal of encouraging and equipping local believers to share the gospel, disciple new believers, and multiply healthy churches.Our Background and Family
Jesse and I both grew up as farm kids in the Midwest. We met in a Baptist campus ministry in college and flirted awkwardly for a couple years before finally accepting that we were meant to be! We went to seminary, got married and landed in South Asia a year later! We had a few years on the field just the two of us, and then in our second term added 3 babies in 3 years, because that’s what good missionaries do.

Our Current Season
We “farm-kids” have been living in a high-rise in one of the largest cities in the world since 2017.
We now have 3 “full-of-life” teens/tweens that keep things light amidst the busyness of ministry and leadership. Our kids have done almost every kind of school you can imagine, but are currently doing online / home school. We are leading a team focused on reaching both upper- and lower-class people in our city.
We began The Coworkers Podcast in 2020 (thank you, pandemic lockdown!), and thoroughly enjoy sharing encouragement and best practices for mission work with other coworkers through our episodes.
We love this life and we long to see His Gospel and His churches multiplied throughout our city and beyond. We have seen so much of God’s goodness on the field—lives radically changed, new churches started, leaders devoting their lives to His mission—but we want to see “more and more” for His glory: