Coworkers Bible Study Part 2
This is part 2 of a 3-part series on The Coworkers Bible Study tool, a biblical survey on how God used women in the early church. In part 1, we laid a biblical foundation on womanhood from Genesis 1-2 and Acts 1-2. In part 2, we look at 10 examples of women being used powerfully by God in the New Testament. This is an interesting and inspiring list, so be sure to listen in!
10 Examples of Women’s Involvement in the Church and Mission Work in the New Testament:
- Bold gospel proclaimers: Acts 4:23-31; 8:1-4; 9:1-2.
- Sapphira: Acts 5:1-11.
- Tabitha: Acts 9:36-43.
- Mary the mother of John Mark: Acts 12:1-17, 25; 15:39.
- Eunice and Lois: 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15; Acts 16:1-5.
- Lydia: Acts 16:11-15, 40.
- Priscilla: Acts 18:1-28; Rom. 16:3-5; 1 Cor. 16:19; Col. 3:16.
- Philip’s 4 daughter prophetesses: Acts 21:8-9; Acts 2:17.
- Paul’s coworkers in the gospel: Rom. 16:1-16; Phil. 4:2-3
- Apostles’ wives: 1 Cor. 9:5
Get your free copy of the Coworkers ebook and Bible study guide on our website.
We have used this tool extensively with many teams of Westerners and local brothers and sisters in South Asia. It has given our team leaders and members a common biblical framework and vocabulary on women’s roles and has opened up a lot of healthy discussion on this topic.
Invite your teammates and friends over (brothers and sisters all together if possible!) for some tea/coffee and go through these Scriptures and discussion questions together. You will learn something new every time… and it will probably open up more discussions around this topic in the future.