New Testament Norms Part 2: Spirit-Filled
Listen in as we continue our series on norms in the early church according to the book of Acts. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a prominent theme in the early church and advance
New Testament Norms Part 1: “Daily”
Lately we have been asking the question, “What does it mean to really live in light of the Great Commission and eternity?” As we’ve studied the early church, we s
Movements Part 2: Are Movements Biblical?
We continue the movements conversation by showing a biblical case for movements and discussing some of the big topics in movements, such as the pace of ministry and controllables v
Mission Work in the Book of Acts
What should missionaries do? The book of Acts shows us the pattern of how the early church and specifically the Apostle Paul and his teammates boldly spread the gospel into new, un
Descriptive or Prescriptive: The Role of Acts in Missions
Jesus gave the church the Great Commission before ascending to the Father. Did He tell us HOW to fulfill it? Is the book of Acts, the story of the Holy Spirit-empowered spread of t
Real Life Leadership with Nathan and Kari
How do we apply biblical principles on leadership to our lives and ministry? Listen as Nathan and Kari share from their 15+ years of missionary leadership experience. EPISODE NOTES
Paul’s Mission Teams
How did the Apostle Paul team with others in mission work? Listen in as we share a Bible study on Paul’s coworkers, the work they shared, and how Paul spoke of them. EPISODE
Coworkers Bible Study Part 2
This is part 2 of a 3-part series on The Coworkers Bible Study tool, a biblical survey on how God used women in the early church. In part 1, we laid a biblical foundation on womanh
Coworkers Bible Study Part 3
In this final episode on the Coworkers Bible Study tool, we look at instructions from Scripture on women’s participation in the church, home, and community. Listen in…
Coworkers Bible Study Part 1
Do you want to learn more about the role of women in mission work, and how we as men and women should team together? Listen in as we share a self-discovery Bible study on how God u