From Shame to Radiance
Shame is a universal emotion, but God does not want His beloved children to live in ongoing shame. Listen in for 3 necessities to be delivered from shame- Know you are acceptable t
What to Do When You Want an Escape (According to Psalms)
I (Shanee) am sharing one of my biggest lessons from studying the Psalms in 2021- God is our refuge and wants us to run to Him with our guilt, shame, fear, and every negative emoti
Heart Work: Abiding
In Part 4 of our Heart Work series, we dig into John 15:1-11, the beautiful illustration of a vine and its branches that represents our constant, vital connection to Jesus. Listen
Fighting Spiritual Battles in Life and Ministry with Susan Lafferty
Susan Lafferty has served with her husband Todd in missions leadership for several years in South Asia, and currently Todd is the EVP with one of the largest missions organizations
New Testament Norms Part 4: Prayer
Our 4th and final NT norm is the centrality of prayer in the life of the early church. Listen in as we share 4 “P” observations on prayer – It was a Priority; It
New Testament Norms Part 2: Spirit-Filled
Listen in as we continue our series on norms in the early church according to the book of Acts. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a prominent theme in the early church and advance