Brainwashing Ourselves With a Biblical Identity (Finding Freedom from Performance, People-Pleasing, and Perfectionism)
We all have false beliefs about what gives us worth, such as worth based on our performance, people-pleasing, or perfectionism. We try to earn our worth through accomplishments, th
Support-Raised or Fully-Funded? Things to Consider in Choosing a Sending Org
When preparing to move overseas, choosing a missions sending organization is a big decision. What factors should be considered? What are essentials, and what are matters of persona
Is Your Love Genuine? 3 Ways to Grow in the Most Important Thing for Life and Ministry
How’s your heart? Do you fall into doing work and ministry “half-heartedly?” Are you fully showing up with your whole self in your relationships? How much do your
How Should We Be “All Things to All People?” (Principles for Contextualization)
Contextualization is incredibly important because it’s about people having meaningful access to the Gospel. As we think about contextualization, we need biblical guidelines for w
Troy and Rachel on Multiplying House Churches Among the Next Gen in the US
How do we have healthy, joyful family lives in the midst of busy, stressful ministry lives? Jennifer D, a missionary (and wife and mom) of over 17 years in East Asia, shares practi
Troy and Rachel on Raising Kids With a Heart for the Lost
Troy and Rachel have been doing disciple-making and church-planting work in the US with the NPL network for over 11 years. They have a passion for the Lord and the lost that is con
How to Go from a Bible Study Group to a Church (with Kiran)
How can we turn a Bible study group into a church? What are the things we do on the front end to help the believers begin identifying as a church? What are the barriers, and how do
Dying for Your Leaders (with Kiran- Experienced, South Asian Church Planter)
What are the most important principles for raising up leaders in the missionary task? How do you identify which disciples to invest in? How can Westerners in particular be best use
Developing Female Ministry Partners with Terri N and Elle R
How do we women find and develop female national ministry partners? Listen in as Terri N from East Asia and Elle R from South/SE Asia share keys for developing and encouraging our
Are You Convinced… That the Bible is the Inerrant and Authoritative Word of God? (With Dr. Danny Akin)
It’s essential for all believers, and particularly those in full time ministry, to be convinced of the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. Listen in as Dr. Danny Akin, Pres