Are You Convinced… That the Bible is the Inerrant and Authoritative Word of God? (With Dr. Danny Akin)
It’s essential for all believers, and particularly those in full time ministry, to be convinced of the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. Listen in as Dr. Danny Akin, Pres
Are You Convinced… That Hell Is Real and Just?
Many people (understandably!) struggle with the reality of hell as a place of eternal torment for those who do not trust in Christ. How should we live with such a sober reality? Is
Are You Convinced That Jesus is the Only Way of Salvation?
The first episode in our “Are You Convinced” series: foundational and hard truths that disciple-makers and missionaries (and really every Christian) must be sure of. Ar
Best Practices and Encouragement for Language Learning with Zach and Amy V
Language learning is inherently difficult, and requires 1000’s of hours of hard work. In this episode, missionary leaders Zach and Amy share best practices from their decade
How Legitimate Does My Platform Need to Be for Me to Live with Integrity? (and Answering the “What Do You Do Here?” Question)
New missionaries on the field often experience anxiety over the legitimacy of their platform and what to say when people ask them what they do. Listen in as we discuss a couple key
Church on the Mission Field: Join One, Start One, or What?
How should missionaries relate to local churches? Should we just try to be a good member of a local church? How does our calling effect that membership? As the Apostle Paul related
“Am I Working Hard Enough” Part 2 with Jarod D
Listen in as we discuss diligence, effectiveness, scheduling, and work ethic with Jarod, a missionary leader in East Asia. Jesse & Shanee Connect With Us Thanks for listening!
“Am I Working Hard Enough?” Part 1
How should missionaries (and people in full time ministry) think about work? How do we work hard while resting in gospel truths? What does the New Testament have to say about this?
Is Money the Devil in Missions – Part 2 (Practical Tips)
In Part 1, we laid a biblical foundation on giving. In Part 2, we dig into some cross-cultural differences in dealing with money, and share practical tips for being generous in hea
Is Money the Devil in Missions – Part 1
Learning how to deal with money in a responsible, wise, and generous way can be difficult for workers on the field. Listen in as we share biblical truths on how to handle money in