20 Years Later and Still Dealing With This: A Biblical Response to Culture Stress (Part 2)
Culture stress is an inevitable challenge for sent-out ones living in foreign cultures, and it doesn’t seem to go away! Listen in as we discuss some of the heart-level causes
20 Years Later and Still Dealing With This: A Biblical Response to Culture Stress (Part 1)
Culture stress is an inevitable challenge for sent-out ones living in foreign cultures, and it doesn’t seem to go away! Listen in as we discuss some of the heart-level causes
Burn-out: Symptoms, Cures, and the Unexpected Cause (with Bobby F)
Burn-out – or exhaustion due to chronic work-related stress – is a danger for everyone. Listen in as Bobby F, a missionary with 26+ years of field experience and curren
“But They’re Charismatic!” (Dealing With Theological Differences With Local Partners on the Field)
As we engage with local believers and churches on the mission field, largely for the purposes of training, what do we do when they have different doctrinal beliefs than we do? To w
Do Calvinists Make Good Missionaries?
Listen in as we discuss our own journey with reformed theology, and how those principles intersect with evangelism and missions. Along with embracing the sovereignty of God in salv
The Work Missionaries Do: Exit
The pattern of mission work that we find in Paul’s missionary journeys includes laying a foundation of gospel proclamation and new churches, and then moving on to unreached p
Holidays on the Field: How to Celebrate, Share, and Enjoy Meaningful Traditions with Sam G. and Micah C.
Holidays on the field come with unique challenges and opportunities! Listen in as missionary leaders Samantha G. and Micah C. share from their more than a decade of missionary expe
Support-Raised or Fully-Funded? Things to Consider in Choosing a Sending Org
When preparing to move overseas, choosing a missions sending organization is a big decision. What factors should be considered? What are essentials, and what are matters of persona
How Should We Be “All Things to All People?” (Principles for Contextualization)
Contextualization is incredibly important because it’s about people having meaningful access to the Gospel. As we think about contextualization, we need biblical guidelines for w
Are You Convinced… That the Bible is the Inerrant and Authoritative Word of God? (With Dr. Danny Akin)
It’s essential for all believers, and particularly those in full time ministry, to be convinced of the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. Listen in as Dr. Danny Akin, Pres