Encouragement for Moms with Traveling Husbands – Part 2 (With Laura G and Debbie M)
How much travel is too much? How can parents think rightly, consider their own limitations, priorities, and the needs of their children and ministry targets, and make these decisio
Encouragement for Moms with Traveling Husbands- Part 1 (with Laura G and Debbie M)
How much travel is too much? How can parents think rightly, consider their own limitations, priorities, and the needs of their children and ministry targets, and make these decisio
Should Missionaries Pursue Multiplication or Maturity? Movements or Healthy Churches?
There is a lot of discussion in the missions world on “multiplication vs. maturity” or “movement vs. healthy church.” How should we think about these 2 diff
Should Missionaries Have the Same Qualifications as Pastors?
There is more talk in the missions world recently about sending churches and organizations requiring new missionaries to have the same training and qualifications as pastors. While