20 Years Later and Still Dealing With This: A Biblical Response to Culture Stress (Part 1)
Culture stress is an inevitable challenge for sent-out ones living in foreign cultures, and it doesn’t seem to go away! Listen in as we discuss some of the heart-level causes
Planning for Volunteer Mission Teams Without Losing Your Mind
A part of our job as team leaders on the field is partnering with Stateside (home country) churches, which includes planning for and hosting short term volunteer teams. This requir
Burn-out: Symptoms, Cures, and the Unexpected Cause (with Bobby F)
Burn-out – or exhaustion due to chronic work-related stress – is a danger for everyone. Listen in as Bobby F, a missionary with 26+ years of field experience and curren
“But They’re Charismatic!” (Dealing With Theological Differences With Local Partners on the Field)
As we engage with local believers and churches on the mission field, largely for the purposes of training, what do we do when they have different doctrinal beliefs than we do? To w
Walking in the Light:The Necessity of Accountability on the Field- with Jacob C and Will J
Jesse, Jacob C, and Will J are coworkers and brothers in our city that have been meeting weekly for the past 3 years intentionally to “walk in the light together”
Why You Need to Process Your Emotions on the Mission Field (with Elizabeth Smith)
When we fail to intentionally process our uncomfortable emotions, they pile up and come out later at unexpected times and in inappropriate ways, and we can become dull and jaded. L
Let’s Get EXCITED About Scripture Memory!! (with Laura G. and Micah C.)
Scripture memory can often feel like a duty or too much work, but when we take small steps to incorporate it into our days, it results in so much joy and fruit in our lives! Listen
Do Calvinists Make Good Missionaries?
Listen in as we discuss our own journey with reformed theology, and how those principles intersect with evangelism and missions. Along with embracing the sovereignty of God in salv
Better Together: Serving and Leading Together as a Couple in Family and Ministry
Serving and leading together as a married couple in our family lives and in ministry is a gift, and an area that requires ongoing intentionality. Listen in as we share 3 tips for g
The Work Missionaries Do: Exit
The pattern of mission work that we find in Paul’s missionary journeys includes laying a foundation of gospel proclamation and new churches, and then moving on to unreached p